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--> Natasha: The Biography of Natalie Wood【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】|女優の通販ショップをリサーチ!

Natasha: The Biography of Natalie WoodNatalie Wood was always a star; her mother made sure this was true. A superstitious Russian immigrant who claimed to be royalty, Maria had been told by a gypsy, long before little Natasha Zakharenko's birth, that her second child would be famous throughout the world. When the beautiful child with the hypnotic eyes was first placed in Maria's arms, she knew the prophecy would become true and proceeded to do everything in her power -- everything -- to make sure of it. Natasha is the haunting story of a vulnerable and talented actress whom many of us felt we knew. We watched her mature on the movie screen before our eyes -- in Miracle on 34th Street, Rebel Without a Cause, West Side Story, Splendor in the Grass, and on and on. She has been hailed -- along with Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor -- as one of the top three female movie stars in the history of film, making her a legend in her own lifetime and beyond. But the story of what Natalie endured, of what her life was like when the doors of the soundstages closed, has long been obscured. Natasha is based on years of exhaustive research into Natalie's turbulent life and mysterious drowning in the dark water that was her greatest fear. Author Suzanne Finstad, a former lawyer, conducted nearly four hundred interviews with Natalie's family, close friends, legendary costars, lovers, film crews, and virtually everyone connected with the investigation of her strange death. Through these firsthand accounts from many who have never spoken publicly before, Finstad has reconstructed a life of emotional abuse and exploitation, of almost unprecedented fame, great loneliness, poignancy, and loss. She sheds an unwavering light on Natalie'scomplex relationships with James Dean, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Raymond Burr, Warren Beatty, and Robert Wagner and reveals the two lost loves of Natalie's life, whom her controlling mother prevented her from marrying. Finstad tells this beauty's heartbreaking story with sensitivity and grace, revealing a complex and conflicting mix of fragility and strength in a woman who was swept along by forces few could have resisted. Natasha is impossible to put down -- it is the definitive biography of Natalie Wood that we've long been waiting for.Dimensions: 13.21 x 3.05 x 20.32 centimetres (0.5 kg)ナタリー・ウッドはいつもスターだった。





私たちは彼女の目の前で映画の画面で成熟しているのを見ました - 34番街の奇跡、原因のない反抗、ウエストサイドストーリー、グラスの素晴らしさ、など。

彼女は映画史上最優秀女優3人の一人として、マリリン・モンロー(Marilyn Monroe)とエリザベス・テイラー(Elizabeth Taylor)とともに、彼女自身の生涯とそれ以上の伝説を築き上げた。



著者のSuzanne Finstadは元弁護士で、Natalieの家族、親しい友人、伝説的なcostars、恋人、映画のクルー、そして彼女の変な死の調査に関連した事実上すべての人と約400回のインタビューを行った。




Natashaは置くことが不可能です - 私たちが長い間待っていたNatalie Woodの決定的な伝記です。

寸法:13.21 x 3.05 x 20.32センチメートル(0.5 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。


ショップ Excellent Imports
税込価格 3,548円